Fat Transfer: Orange County and Los Angeles
If you live in or are visiting the Orange County or Los Angeles areas and want a Brazilian Butt Lift, Mommy Makeover, or a Breast Augmentationwith Fat Transfer, this is what you will be getting. A Fat Transfer is used to move fat from an area you don’t want fat in, to an area that could use fat to plump up that region. Our Board Certified surgeon Dr. Taneja performs many fat transfer procedures daily at his California offices.
Orange County and LA Fat Transfer
In Orange County and Los Angeles today, Fat Transfer procedures occur on a daily basis simply because they are incorporate in many of our surgeries. Fat Transfer is used in BBLs (Brazilian Butt Lifts), Breast Enlarging with Fat, and of course in Mommy Makeovers. If you would like to know more about how fat transfer is done, then please schedule a meeting with us using the contact form above, and read on!
What you can expect from your Fat Transfer Procedure at My LOOK.
Your will first schedule an appointment with Dr. Taneja and your nurse. We will show you images showcasing where Fat Transfer procedures were used, and answer all questions or concerns in a kind and friendly manner. Our office does many of these procedures each day.